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SINTEC Automation Pte. Ltd
SINTEC Automation was incorporated in 2004. It is our first flagship Company to penetrate into the vast market of Greater China. We are set-up mainly to manufacture Semi or Fully Automated Machines for the various industries with our core technologies coming from Singapore yet being close to our Customer.

SINTEC Aspires to be treated as a "partner" rather than a supplier to all our Valuable Customers. In a very short span of time, we had quickly expanded our China operation and SINTEC Automation (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd was formed in August 2006 located beside our Business Partner in Shenzhen. We practice an innovative concept of full co-operation and synergy between producer and end-users. This co-operation is based on complete openness. On the one hand, we make available all our technical and production resources and on the other, the user supplies their own experience, processes know-how with total respect of confidentiality from all parties.

SINTEC is not so much about just selling products, but solving the end-user's problems. In this way SINTEC can satisfy our Customers' needs to provide a "Total Solution". We believe in continuous improvements and human resources development to steer us forward in our quest to be among the best. We believe in working closely with and analyzing our user's needs, we will then carefully design and build the product that can better meet their production and process requirements. Our support shall extend all the way through post-installation assistance that covers all the way throughout the product life span.


  • 公司性质:外商独资
  • 所属行业:自动化
  • 所在地区:浙江-杭州市
  • 联系人:华银燕
  • 手机:
  • 邮箱:会员登录后才可查看
  • 邮政编码:
  • 地址:杭州市滨江区南环路2930号泰林科技园A座2楼
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