
齐鲁伊士曼精细化学品有限公司(Qilu Eastman Specialty Chemicals, Ltd 或简称QESCL)是美国伊士曼化工公司的全资子公司伊士曼化工有限公司与中国石化股份有限公司齐鲁分公司(Sinopec Qilu Petrochemical Co.或简称齐鲁石化)的合资公司。
中国石化股份有限公司齐鲁分公司是一家集石油化工、盐化工、煤化工、天然气化工为一体的特大型炼油、化工、化纤联合企业。 公司坐落于山东省淄博市,占地面积24.8平方公里。公司始建于1966年。经过40多年的建设发展,目前固定资产原值357亿元,年营业收入600亿元,拥有大型石油石化生产装置112套。
此合资公司是中国石化齐鲁石油化工公司向制造高附加值的羰基衍生物工业迈进的重要一步,充分发挥了伊士曼在羰基衍生物科技和中国石化齐鲁石油化工在营运管理和原一体化方面的优势。QESCL 的世界级羟基衍生物工厂坐落于齐鲁石化现有厂址齐鲁化学工业园内,其主要产品为Texanol 酯醇和TXIB增塑剂。Texanol 酯醇是全球高档建筑涂料中广泛使用的一种成膜助剂,可在各种不同的天气条件下和具有不同孔隙率的底材上使用。TXIB 增塑剂用于PVC, 聚氨酯和其它聚合物的改性。 

公司使命:使QESCL 成为中国TXIB和Texanol业务领域中最好的化工生产厂家和服务供应商。




Qilu Eastman Specialty Chemicals. Ltd is the joint venture between Eastman Chemical Ltd. And SINOPEC Qilu Petrochemical Company at the proportion of 51:49.
Qilu Petrochemical Company is a conglomerate of oil-refining, petrochemicals and chemical fiber production which covers petrochemical, salt-chemical, coal-chemical and natural gas industries. With an area of 24.8 square kilometers, the company sits in Linzi, Zibo city of Shandong province. Established in 1966, after 40 years of development, Qilu Petrochemical Corporation owns 112 sets of large-scale oil and petrochemical producing, with the original value of fixed assets reached 35.7 billion and the annual sales 60 billion.
Eastman Chemical Ltd. (NYSE:EMN), a leading international chemical company with headquarters in Kingsport, Tennessee, is one of the top 10 global suppliers of customer-manufactured fine chemicals for pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals and other markets. Established in 1920, Eastman Chemical became an independent publicly traded company in January 1994, with approximately 12,000 employees in more than 30 countries.
This joint venture is a significant step towards moving SINOPEC Qilu into the manufacturing of higher value, specialized oxo derivatives, which maximize the strengths of Eastman’s derivative technology and SINOPEC Qilu’s operational management expertise and raw material integration.
QESCL’S world-scale oxo derivatives plant is located at SINOPEC Qilu’s existing site within Qilu Chemical Industrial Park. Its main products are Texanol ester alcohol and TXIB plasticizer.
Texanol ester alcohol is the premier coalescent for latex paints. It performs well in all types of latex paints in a variety of weather conditions and over different substrates. TXIB plasticizer is a versatile modifier for PVC, polyurethanes and other resins.

Mission of QESCL
To be the best chemical producer and service provider in TXIB and Texanol industry in China.

Vision of QESCL
To be a JV which employees like to work for; customers want to buy from; of community’s value; and that contributes value to the JV owners.

People-oriented, we are committed to provide good products and excellent people to the society. As s JV, we utilize American-style management with good staff benefits system and training programs which can ensure the joint development of employees and the company.

We offer:
Good staff benefits (social securities and housing fund), annual health check-up
Annual leave (at least 10days per year), legal holiday
Free lunch (15yuan)
Annual outing; annual dinner
Year-end bonus, loyalty incentives
Professional training system (computer skills, English, chemical and instrument, management and other knowledge and skills training)

